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HEU KMS Activator 10 - All in One Activator für Windows und Office

HEU KMS Activator 10.0.0 Final

Englisch // Portable // 29.07.2015

HEU KMS Activator - small KMS emulator to activate Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/Server 2008/2008R2/2012/2012R2 and Office 2010 VL / Office 2013 VL (32 and 64 bit) without the need to connect to the Internet, you need a set. NET Framework 4.0. Works without installation and after activation, leaves no traces in the system. This tool supports 99 version of VL (Volume License).

This tool supports:
Windows Vista (Business, Business N, Enterprise, Enterprise N)
Windows 7 (Professional, Professional N, Professional E, Enterprise, Enterprise N, Enterprise E)
Windows 8 (Professional, Professional N, Professional WMC, Enterprise, Enterprise N, Core, Core N, Core ARM, Core Country Specific, Core Single Language)
Windows 8.1 (Professional, Professional N, Professional WMC, Enterprise, Enterprise N, Core, Core N, Core ARM, Core Country Specific, Core Single Language, EmbeddedIndustryE, EmbeddedEval)
Windows 10 (Professional, Professional N, Enterprise, Enterprise N, Education, Education N, Enterprise 2015 LTSB, Enterprise 2015 LTSB N)
Windows Server 2008 (Standard, Datacenter, Enterprise, Compute Cluster, Itanium, Web
Windows Server 2008 R2 (Standard, Datacenter, Enterprise, Compute Cluster, Itanium, Multipoint, Web
Windows Server 2012 (Standard, Datacenter, MultiPoint Premium, MultiPoint Standard
Windows Server 2012 R2 (Standard, Datacenter, Solution, CloudStorage
Office 2010 VL / Retail (Professional Plus, Standard, Project Professional, Visio)
Office 2010 VL (Access, Excel, SharePointInfoPath, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word)
Office 2013 VL / Retail (Professional Plus, Standard, Project Professional, Visio Professional)
Office 2013 VL (Access, Excel, InfoPath, Lync, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word)

Silent Parameters
/? Check parameters;
/s Activate Windows and Office;
/i Install Renewal Service;
/u Uninstall Renewal Service;

Whats New:
- Added support for Windows 10 RTM version.

5 Mb (RAR/EXE)
Parts: 1

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132 Benutzer

Download 29.07.15, 11:08   Top
Mitglied seit: Sep 2014
Beiträge: 1.033
HEU KMS Activator 10 - All in One Activator für Windows und Office



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